Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First post

Hello. This is my first time blogging. It's not really something new to me because I do read blogs when I feel like it (If you check my profile, it says I've been on Blogger since February 2009). I have given some thoughts about starting up a blog awhile back, but I'm never really sure what to blog about. I don't think my life is that interesting to be shared to the Internet. Even on Facebook, I barely update my status even though I check my Facebook everyday (at least 4 times a day). Talking about Facebook, it has been such an important part of our lives, because most of us rely on it for our daily communication, especially work related. Trust me, work is the only reason (a large part, if not the only one) I stay on Facebook. Some of us who didn't have an account before had to make one due to the same reason.

Anyway, this blog is part of our continuous assessment in a course called "Academic and Professional Electronic Communication" which requires us to set up a blog (good enough reason to start one). So, this is an academic blog which will reflect the experiences of my current study in UBD.

The first week of study has ended. Courses are yet to be decided. Good luck to everyone.

Here is something that I want to share to my friends which is related to what we did in the computer lab last Thursday: Google tips

p/s: posted this since last Thursday. But it seems too short. I edited and reposted it again (Sunday and Today, Monday).


  1. Haha...I think I haven't changed the settings. Still figuring it out and playing with it. haha

  2. The Google tips are interesting. I guess there's lots there I don't use.

    I hope you find things to write about. It doesn't have to be profound; just a reflection of your thoughts as you study. Maybe you will even find it helpful!
